Sunday, November 9, 2008

Free Cake!

I am willing to give a free cake to anyone that signs up to adopt a soldier through soldier's angels. Before you do, remember it's a big commitment. Most of these soldier's are deployed and you are adopting them for their entire deployment! This could be the few months they have left or a year, plus. Please make sure that you are able to write them once weekly and send a box at least once a month. The box itself costs approximately $10 (right Chels?), plus what you spend on the contents of it. A letter weekly costs normal postage. It's basically what you would pay eating out once at McDonald's. It's a great thing to share with your family and friends. The holiday's can be tough, especially when you are a deployed soldier. Please help if you can! And remember, I'll give you a free cake!

A little excerpt from the soldier's angels website:

...It's not the "things" that are sent that matter to us, it's the thought. That's the power ALL of you have who take the time to send things. You can change the worst day into the best day, in a split second. - MP in Iraq


Chelsea said...

The larger size flat rate box costs $10.95 to ship. It's well worth the commitment... Hey Lacey, does that mean that I get a free cake?

Lacey T said...

Yeah Chels, you have a free cake coming your way. Thanks for your generosity towards our troops! Although we don't know these men, I'm sure it's something they deeply appreciate.