I just decorated the outside of my house for the 4th (my flagpole is over to the right, you just can't see it). I love this holiday! So, if you have a flag displayed and/or any decorations in your front yard, send me a pic! You'll get an extra entry for the free cake giveaway!
*The cake is free of charge. Having said that, the cake is to be made to my specifications. I will take into consideration food allergies, etc. No rain checks will be given. The cake is to be picked up on July 3rd, time tbd later. Good luck!
Oh I love the 4th of July because we go out of town to Brand cattle at our Ranch up north.
This has been in my family for generations and it's so fun that I can know bring my children up there to experience it.
I have family who fought for this country and who were cowboys prior and after fighting for our Country.
I love spending time w/ my family and making memories together.
I hope I win the cake- Your cakes are adorable!!!!!
you're cool!
i love the fourth for a lot of reasons and they're all shallow: watermelon, BBQing, family, and fireworks.
I love any excuse to have a party for sure! The 4th is no exception. Especailly so we can celebrate the freedoms that were fought for us. I'm so grateful for the men who knew what they wanted and were willing to fight and die for what they knew was right. Our country is what it is today because of that.
With that being said...Pick me!
I love the 4th of July! It's so fun with family, friends, bbqs, fireworks, swimming, icecream...the list goes on and on. Most of all it gives us a chance to celebrate our freedom! We really are so blessed.
Hope I win a free cake! I saw your giveaway on The Hawkins blog.
I love the fourth because of fireworks, parades, barbecues, family and friend get togethers, but MOST importantly is it's the one day in the year where you feel an overall appreciation for this BEAUTIFUL country that we live in. To me there really is nothing better than people standing to pledge their ledgence to the flag or listening to the star spangled banner. I LOVE THE USA and I LOVE THE FOURTH of July!!!
I love the 4th because it means fum with the family swimming and bar-b-quing. Then off to the fireworks. It doesn't get much better!
Love the colors of the forth of July!
I love the 4th of July because of the pride and love I feel for our country and we get to share that with our kids on that day.
Plus, BBQ's and family just seem to be funner on the 4th!
My husband and I just recently moved to Mesa (about two weeks ago) from Montana and this is the first time I get to enter something local like this!
I was also just telling my husband that the heat down here doesn't get to me because it reminds of the hot, sweaty 4th of July's I spent in California as a child. I even told him that I realized it is right up there as one of my all-time favorite holidays--tied with Christmas--but it might take first, since Christmas will be weird without cold and snow (but also glorious at the same time :)). I love the fireworks, the barbeques, and the gathering with friends. I love warm summer nights sitting outside and looking at the stars. My husband is a chef and one thing we're going to miss this year is having all of our friends over for dinner and to celebrate Independence Day since all of our friends are back in Montana. If I won this cake, I know he would be much more motivated to have the barbeque anyway, invite over some neighbors to get to know better, and eat this beautiful cake! (I'd be sure to leave out some of your business cards, too. :))
Cute cakes! I love the 4th because it reminds me how lucky we are to be free and live in this blessed country. I love the fireworks, parades, breakfasts, BBQ's and everything (except the heat here in AZ!)
Please enter me to win the cake.. my daughter's birthday is the 5th, and your cake would be perfect for her!
I love the 4th of July cause my parents are coming here to visit!! And who doesn't love fireworks?!
"I love our counrty and appreciate any one who serves in the military. We are so blessed to enjoy this great land. America home of the free, because of the brave! I would love to win one of your cakes. They are very cute."
I love this holiday. My family in one time or another has served our country.
I lost my grandpa in WW2. So we pay tribute every time this year to all those that serve. Let freedom ring.
I love the 4th because it is a great time to get together with family and celebrate this free country that we are all so blessed to live in!
I love the 4th of July because of the unity we all feel as Americans on this day. All of us celebrating together the one thing we all have in common, living in this wonderful country and enjoying the freedoms we all have.
I always get so emotional when they play "God Bless America" during the fireworks show. I'm so blessed to live in the USA!
I love the 4th of July it reminds me of what a great country we live in and how blessed we are. As a kid we always have family reunions of the 4th. But the best 4th of July I haved was 4 years ago with my husband on the Beach in Destin, FL. The fireworks were so beautiful over the oecan. I love you cupcakes!!!!
I have always loved the 4th of July!!! I am red, white and blue all the way! It is a wonderful time to put our hands over our hearts and celebrate those who have served and are serving our country. I love our Blessed U.S.A. My firecracker sister's b-day is on the 4th, so this would be perfect for me to take and surprise her with!
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